12 Mar 2019

Radical transformation into a commercial premises that goes from being a conventional clothing store to a beautiful yoga center located in Novelda (Alicante). Fundamental task: create an environment that transmits tranquility, relaxation and well-being. Judge for yourselves. It was also necessary to condition the premises to all the current regulations on accessibility, sanitation and fire prevention established for an activity center, respecting the minimum measures to guarantee the opening license. Access to the premises suitable for all audiences, with an accessible ramp with a slight slope. Spacious doors and hallways. Forced air extraction, to guarantee ventilation of the environment. Accessible bathroom with mandatory shower. Air conditioning. New aluminum showcase. Etc. Delighted to have materialized the idea of our client so well.
If you have a business idea and need a construction company to carry out your reform, contact us. We will help you!

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Take your time to take a look at our website. Here you can find information about our company, the work we have done and the services we provide. Yes you need to do a work or reform in your home, office or neighborhood community, or require some of the services we provide in Construcciones Mayalco, do not hesitate contact us.

You can call us by phone, send us an email, visit our offices in Elche, or fill out any of the forms you will find on our website.