Security measures against the Covid 19 in construction work.

Given the current adverse circumstances caused by the Covid 19, companies in the construction sector such as Mayalco have the possibility of continuing with some works according to the determinations set forth by the Government of Spain (these works must comply with certain specifications in the knowledge of everybody).
On site, the manipulation of instrumentation, the contact between the workers themselves and their general exposure is extremely difficult to control. Therefore, it is necessary that certain unusual security measures be used in normal conditions for your protection and that of everyone. Our group of workers is disciplined and obedient to the new measures adopted. Thanks to this and the technical management of the work, we are working safely within the possibilities.
Among other measures:
· Sectorization of the works differentiating / distancing different paths in the common areas of the building to avoid contact between owners and operators. It is a structural rehabilitation work in which the actions to be undertaken are always outside the building. The building is practically empty since it is located in a coastal area and its use is for vacations. However, security measures have been established so that any neighbor can access their home by elevator without coming into contact with any worker or item that may have been tampered with.
· The different elevators have been disinfected and workers are prohibited from using them.
· Daily fumigation with water and water from all work areas and from those tools or machinery used during the day (up to 2 times per day).
· Safety distances between the company's own workers. At the same time, it has been decided to separate in pairs and by cuts to improve this distance between people.
· The workers have the order to immediately communicate any sensation of possible symptom or discomfort to the person in charge of the work and manager of the company.
Enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID‑19)
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